Tuesday 24 July 2012

New Projects!

Photos of some new projects I'm working on.  First up, I'm doing a Raven Guard army, here is the "test" model:

This model was done to test the colour scheme, for me to get the techniques down for black and white (neither of which I've ever done on power armour before) and also just because I had him kicking about in a box of junk models.

I'm also doing a Blood Angels Command/Honour Guard Squad for eBay.  Here they are:

These have so far been sprayed with the Army Painter Leather Brown spray and brushed by hand in liberal amounts of Citadel Mechrite Red wash (now called Carroburg Crimson shade).  I'll post some WIP shots of these as they progress.

I also have a Catachan Command Squad, "Sly and the Expendables", which may be the beginnings of an Imperial Guard allied detachment for my Raven Guard, or I might just ebay them when they're done.  Haven't decided yet.

These have also been sprayed with Leather Brown, then washed with Devlan Mud (don't know what the new name for this is), and the packs and pants have had a coat of Vallejo Model Colour Brown Sand.  These guys were originally built as a bunch of NPCs for a Dark Heresy game, hence the ridiculous mixture of weapons.  I don't think they're a legal squad in 40k as they stand, but the addition of five chumps with lasguns will make them a game-legal veteran squad.

The objective with these guys is to have a go at camouflage/DPM clothing, I think I'm going to go with the classic 'jungle' colour scheme.

Finally, the Raven Guard have a veteran squad and a captain model, all from Forgeworld, waiting in the wings to be painted.  From my experience from the tester model, I've decided to use a grey undercoat (which I don't currently have), so they're sat patiently waiting until that arrives before I can get cracking on them.  Here they are on temporary bases, and also the actual bases they're going to get mounted on.  I've decided to paint these separately and do a proper job of them.

Space for comments below, or pester me on Twitter!


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