Tuesday 20 November 2012

How To Win at Things:

This is a story I found on Reddit, which I've re-posted here for interest's sake.  The remainder of this post is a copy + paste quotation.

Okay SPOILER ALERT if you're going to Langley HS in Northern Virginia. There's a great experience ahead of you if you get Mr. Herzig but the entire thing is ruined if you read this. DON'T DO THAT. This is for everyone outside of this chunk of maybe several hundred people who would be so lucky. And apparently a couple people who also took his class.
Chess reminds me of the best teacher I was lucky to have. In high school, we had year of modern history, covering Civilization from the Renaissance to about as close to present day as they can get. US history picked up the rest next year.
That Civ teacher, Mr. Herzig, had very inventive class projects, often involving the entire class in some sort of simulation. For the reformation era, he split us into a Meeting of the Minds, 12 students were each given a philosopher to emulate. The rest helped them research, or prepared questions for the other philosophers.
During this whole time, Mr. Herzig has also been talking up his love of chess, encouraging kids to play him. Any kid that can beat him gets a free A on any grade, up to sections of the Final. Of course, almost no one ever beat him, hard when you only have 10 minutes in a break to play, and he has three people trying to play him. He kept warning his class that there would be a chess test, everyone was required to pass it.
Around February, we finally got the date for the chess test. We spent a period on all the rules of chess, and a day before he posted the test right on the board. We took the test, then reviewed with the class, then graded our own test, in our own pencils. Eraser marks would be ignored. He congratulated everyone on Acing the test and then revealed the truth.
Next week was the Chess Simulation.
He handed out the assignment. The class was to play a 2-team game of chess, through move notations and a literal chain of orders. Three boards were set up. One on each side of the class for each team, and one board at the front, where Mr. Herzig stood with a timer. Every student was to be assigned a piece on the board. For fairness, and class size not matching the number of pieces, pawns would be assigned in larger groups, 3 or 4 I think. To move a piece, the move must be written down in chess notation and delivered by the person moving the piece to Mr. Herzig at the head of the class. Those assigned King were given the greatest duty. They were the final arbiters of what the moves were. They had to design an "official mark," some stamp or their initials, and sign each notation with it before the piece delivered the move. There were even Coup d'état rules for pieces threatening the king. If moves didn't get to the teacher after 5 minutes, no move would be recorded. Moves happened not by piece color, but by whomever move was delivered first. You did not need to checkmate, you just had to take the opposing king.
This was not normal chess.
Grading was simple. A: Your side wins and your piece lives. B: Your side wins and your piece dies. C: Your side loses and your piece lives D: Your side loses and your piece dies. F: You touch the main board, board cart, or otherwise interfere in the simulation. This was the ONLY way to fail the simulation.
We're assigned our pieces that day, I got a rook. Being the nerd I was, I suggested to our king that we go for a quick strike strategy, but he wasn't as engaged into the project as I was, so we essentially go in with little plans. No one was really sure how it was going to turn out. The day of the simulation, we get a quick review of the rules and then we start.
It was madness, both sides are trying to get orders out the fastest, getting orders written and figuring out whoever is getting moved so they can dash up their orders. Our side manages to have a clear shot in only 5 or 6 moves, we hustle our bishop with orders and they pass it off first. We're already celebrating as the other side slinks forward, seeing they're too late. Mr. Herzig announces our move. Is invalid. Our king didn't sign the notation properly, the order is ignored. The other side's move of a bishop to block is executed. We flip out at our king for a second before immediately re-assessing the board and finding a new path to victory. More turns passes as pieces flew across the board, some students indifferent or completely confused on the side, just waiting to hear if they actually had to do something. Others unclear if they were even still in the game. Incorrect moves started to mount, trying to move pieces that weren't there, or doing moves they could not.
As we argued about our move in turn 15-20, Mr. Herzig hollered and told us to take our seats. We realized the period was ending and we had no clear winner. He apologized, and explained that he had tricked us. There would be no grade given for the simulation. He would explain fully the next day.
It went something along these lines. We had just experienced a War simulation. He explained how he purposefully split the class, picked two friends for opposing kings, split friends across teams. How quickly we started clamoring to get the other team in pursuit of our own grades, even at the cost of the grades of our friends. The FOG of war in not knowing for certain if your table matched the True table at the front of the class. Having no idea what the opposing table may look like. The fury of a team when one king screws up an order. He admitted that in years past, he would extend the simulation by faking these errors, and he fudged a few in this game, but our king's mistake was real, and hilariously poignant. He also talked of great Generals of war cursing the weather or god for bad luck. I bet he swapped some pieces around on his board too when no one was looking.
This whole explanation hit me like a ton of bricks. Realizing as a 16-year old what it's like to call for someone else to have misfortune for your own benefit.
The grade was never entered. For our class the simulation didn't exist, just a 100% quiz on how to play chess. He asked us to not share the secrets of this simulation with underclassmen, he needed to be sure future students had a chance at the same effect. There was a rumor that one class got A's across the board. I can't remember if it was our year, or one before it, and if they were helped or not.
They refused to turn in any orders.
I didn't realize then, but I did while writing this, that if only the Pawns and the Knights refuse, the board is locked and the rest don't matter. If they still do the King's wishes, the Knights can only wreak havoc on the other team's pawns without facing certain death.

Some people have asked how it goes. You can really infer most of it from this post, I don't think there's any real secrets that I left out/didn't know. But I'll go over it here:
Learn/teach the mechanics and rules of chess. Teach how each piece moves, about special situations like castling, en passant, and the knight jumping pieces. Don't worry about any kind of gametheory, early/middle/endgame. Just give them enough to be able to watch a game and have a chance at knowing what is going on. Teach the notation so they could understand the flow a game if they only saw a recap.
For the simulation itself, assign each student to a single piece, or a group of pawns, on either color. Knowing your class and how it interacts with itself is pretty key for the best effect. There's some nuances of chess and human psyche that I could guess at, but you'll probably find better results by trusting yourself.
Kings write out the move orders and sign in their unique way. Pieces deliver the orders to the front of the class. Our room had the desks arranged in a U, so we could put the student boards at each corner, and the True board on a cart at the front of the room.
Have a timer set for 5 minutes. Each round wait for both moves to arrive, then announce and execute the moves in the order you get them. Find good BS reasons to veto moves that would end the simulation (you have at least 4 rounds). For the simulation proper you just need to be the arbiter of the game, be the only one to actually move pieces. Make sure no one touches the cart.

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